People Change Performance

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Talent accelerator program

Helping talented individuals navigate job transitions faster and more successfully in achieving peak performance.

Whilst talent management entails finding, developing and keeping good leaders, ultimately it’s about faster job transitions, positive influence, and better business results.

Who benefits?

Based on extensive experience of working with managers in a broad range of industries and job functions, this program has been recently designed, to support individual leaders in role transition. The program has a number of applications including:

  • Core component of corporate talent management programs, easily mapped to existing competency frameworks

  • Key leaders working in dynamic businesses with significant organisational impact, and undergoing job transition

  • Newly appointed leaders required to rapidly assimilate and navigate complex operating environments and stakeholder relationships.

Sample program content areas

Role clarity and focus
How clear are the purpose and outcomes expected of the role you’re in? Are you working at the right level to optimise your impact? Is your potential to truly excel being stymied by your manager’s tendency to micro-manage? Are your real strengths and abilities under-utilised in the job you’re in? Have you lost energy and passion for the job content? Have you established the right advocates and allies with those who will support your success?

Leading change and transition
Are you leading others through a significant period of restructure, ambiguity and uncertainty? How well do you understand the external and internal contexts? Have you built a robust and intentional transition plan to support yourself and the team?

Stakeholder influence
Is your ability to influence and get results stymied by excessive politics and bureaucratic decision-making? Have you struggled to align expectations with those you must work with to achieve your outcomes? Has your capability, experience or contribution been by-passed by those you must influence? When expected to “hit the ground running” have you to tripped yourself up and undermined your credibility?

Effective working relationships
Have you failed to achieve a collaborative ethos in a critical working relationship? Do you have team members who are yet to step up, take ownership and be accountable for results? Have you been avoiding a difficult conversation that could make all the difference to your success and well-being? Are you leading for positive performance or are you swamped in resolving internal team conflict?

Program format

The Talent Accelerator Program can be delivered in a range of flexible formats to suit your needs including a targeted one to one coaching series, or as facilitated group sessions to leverage common experience and build a peer learning community for ongoing support.