People Change Performance

Ideas & Solutions


This section shows our most current thinking and insights including solutions and success stories within the services we offer. You can filter the items by key services using the buttons, or browse below.


Employee experience

Optimised, aligned and engaged workforce, moving from transactional to transformational, delivering strategic value for Human Resources teams.

“Of all the factors affecting performance that CEOs and senior managers can directly influence, workforce success – or the extent to which a firm can generate a workforce with the culture, mindset, competencies and strategic behaviours needed to execute its strategy – is the both most important and most underperforming asset in most businesses” (Huselid, M. et al. 2005, The Workforce Scorecard).

The role of workforce or human capital strategy is to provide the right talent to deliver current and future business demands, to build the right workforce capability, to drive systems and processes that optimise productivity, and to foster a culture of high performance.

Increasingly the importance of human capital strategy is well acknowledged by executive teams as a key source of competitive advantage. The challenge for human resource functions can be that the human capital strategy for the business, rightfully owned by the executive, is often confused with the the human resource (HR) service delivery proposition. Both must be aligned and easily understood by internal clients. The HR performance scorecard metrics should also be distinct and aligned to the business performance scorecard metrics.

Where these strategic and structural distinctions are poor, the consequence for HR functions and teams can mean:

  • Internal bias for activity and check lists over strategic value-added contribution

  • Inadequate work prioritsation and resourcing

  • Wastage and operational inefficiency in work-flows and administrative processes

  • Client dissatisfaction and loss of credibility as a value-added internal service provider.

Areas of speciality

We work with human resources executives and their teams to:

  • Clearly articulate how they create value in shaping the human capital strategy and in delivering on the human resources operational plan

  • Review and design fit-for purpose functional structures, that align HR deliverables, capabilities and reporting lines

  • Review and evaluate current human resources service proposition and its alignment with business strategy

  • Assess service delivery models and client satisfaction

  • Establish relevant and meaningful workforce scorecard metrics that enable robust planning and provide decision insight to their clients

  • Develop organisational capability frameworks, and pragmatic, actionable competency maps

  • Align human resource teams and job roles to deliver strategic value and service excellence.

How we work with you

Typically our work takes the form of an integrated series of design and planning sessions. We also provide mentoring to HR and organisation development professionals in leveraging experience and learning transfer.

We look forward to understanding your workforce capability requirements, and discussing how we can work with you to align and implement your workforce strategy and human resource service proposition for strategic value.