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Strategic Alignment

Put simply, a strategy is an organisation working out where it is, where it wants to be, and what it needs to do to get there. Periodically CEOs, MD’s and business unit heads must step back and make time to plan the long-term growth and future position of the enterprise in response to dynamic markets and customer expectations, while maintaining business-as-usual. It can also be difficult to schedule the right conversations and co-locate time poor executives.

Clarity and purpose

We work with executive, divisional and functional teams to enhance your planning and execution process. We facilitate the right conversations to help you focus your efforts and come away with greater clarity, confidence and commitment to execute the plan. An independent facilitator will help you maximise the investment and access the know-how and experience of your people.

Structured approach

Our strategy facilitation process is based on sound methodology, helping you diagnose where you are, assess the external market and internal capability, anticipate future scenarios, define your competitive advantage, and make clear strategic choices. We also enable strategic goal setting, culture transformation, action planning, and robust governance mechanisms to control, monitor and deliver performance outcomes.

Ownership and engagement

The principles and frameworks underpinning our approach can be customised or integrated with yours to ensure alignment, engagement and successful execution. We facilitate robust dialogue, alignment, ownership, and accountability for change.

Strategic Alignment can include:



Organisation review

An independent organisation review is an analysis of the organisation’s strategy, core proposition, governance, operating processes, culture and capability to determine which elements are working well, which are less than optimal or which will benefit from realignment to the achieve the organisation’s strategic intent.

Strategic planning facilitation

Strategy is how an organisation plans, designs, and executes. Strategic planning requires leaders to assess external industry sector dynamics and rigorously challenge assumptions. What are our winning aspirations? Where will we play and where will we let go? How will we win? What capabilities are critical to our success? What systems and enablers are required?

Large Group Innovation Conferences

Periodically organisations bring together an entire management or staff cohort to enhance human connections, engage the workforce in the design and implementation of corporate vision, seed innovation working groups on complex interconnected problems, and to access the passion and commitment of large groups for ownership and action.