People Change Performance

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Business scorecard development

Managing, monitoring and focussing on the critical items for execution

Peter Drucker famously said “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” For your organisation, what outcomes matter most? What will success look like? Who cares and what’s the best way to involve them? The problem is that most organisations suffer from a lack of focus. The list of strategic projects and initiatives is often long and unwieldy. A program office endeavours to coordinate ever increasing complexity and project interdependencies. Boards and external stakeholders desire transparent governance on reporting and progress. More often the default measures center on the financial.

Businesses benefit from a simple compelling overview of the critical items to measure, monitor and execute the corporate plan.

Elements of a robust business scorecard development may include:

  • Understanding and alignment of board and external stakeholder governance requirements

  • Stakeholder research to deeply understand customer, community, and employee needs and expectations

  • Engaging and involving stakeholders in defining success

  • Developing a communication plan to engage focus and ownership from all levels of the organisation.

We work with leaders to:

  • Clarify strategic goals aligned to vision, purpose, values and core capabilities

  • Assess and evaluate expected stakeholder outcomes and measures of success

  • Align strategic goals, business objectives, key performance indicators, standards and targets

  • Balance the selection of financial, customer, operational, workforce and community measures

  • Distinguish between lead and lag indicators, activity-based, and outcome based measures

  • Create and communicate a simple and compelling business scorecard framework that can be adapted to multiple audiences.